Hi, Android Speech Bubble example Today I'm going to discuss how to make a ListView with speech bubble same as native android message app or some other apps out there. First of all we need to discuss the making of a row layout with speech bubble. How to make Speech Bubble? Well that is the most interesting part of the development. I've already posted a blog post about how to make 9 patch image of speech bubble, you can find that post here. Android How to use 9 patch png? Here we will discuss how to use them in our application. You will copy them into your project in relevant hdpi, ldpi, xhdpi and mdpi folders accordingly. Now we come to the coding part. We need to make simple ListActivity with ListView . There are lot of tutorials available: Vogella ListView Tutorial TechnoTalkative ListView and lot more. You can f ind customizat ion of the ListView there too. Here I'll discuss the Adapter part of the ListView only. What is Adapt...
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